Saturday, July 25, 2009

Antenuptial agreements

One of the fun ironies from my fascination with family law is that originally prenuptial agreements were called antenuptial agreements. Makes sense when you see it spelled, not so much when you say it aloud. So the Love Lawyer talked about the other kind of agreement -- the cohabitation agreement. Also advised for anyone not married that care to purchase property together :-)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chicago -- Illinois' Largest College Town

No one should be surprised that there are more students in Chicago's Loop/South Loop than anywhere else in this state. After all, per the Chicago Sun-Times there are 25 different institutions of higher education right here. And I proudly work here in the Loop for the largest Catholic university in the country -- DePaul. But as a reminder, nothing I say in this blog in any way represents the viewpoints or positions of DePaul!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Censoring & the Kindle

This blog post made me sigh. It made me think about why I believe it is okay for parents to go through your room -- I don't want anyone legislating what I or my (imaginary) kids should read, watch, or say. However, that doesn't mean that everything is age appropriate so though I don't think Mom rifled through my room very often, I fully recognize that she was responsible for my well-being (BTW, thanks for that Mom). But this whole Kindle business makes me also consider all the ways our government and corporate America have promised one thing, and given us something completely different (ex: broken treaties, corruption, ignored privacy agreements). If only we'd all be better about keeping our promises. Don't worry, Michael, I promise I'm looking at the woman in the mirror first. And thank you sweet Jesus for my Chicago Public Library card.